Friday, March 7, 2014

day 7 & 8

 We left Phoenix on Thursday afternoon.  Joel had a meeting at ALA in the morning and a lunch meeting after that.  We drove through the desert for 2 hours till we reached Tucson. He had a breakfast meeting and then we were on the road for 6 hours to San Diego. Crazy how we went from desert in AZ and crossing into CA having sand dunes.

 We had two hours to spend some time at the Pacific before Joel's dinner meeting.  We loved it!!!!!!

 Isn't this sand amazing

 more sand
 The boardwalk
 I put this picture on to show you how high the water came along the shore at times.  Once in awhile we felt we were going to fall from the force of the water.

 We had our guest pick where to go for dinner.  We went to a fish place ( there was shrimp for Joel) right on the bay.  It was where the Navy docked their boats.  I guess there is a story about this sailor kissing this young lady good-bye and not knowing who she was.  So people were trying imitate this couple.

This is downtown San Diego.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you're having a great time. I love your reenactment of the statue!


Blessings on Your Day !!!!