Thursday, March 15, 2012 make me smile

I had to double check the calendar today - March 15th right???  It feels and looks like May. 
I love this time of year !!!
What a beautiful afternoon to be outside.
It was fun to see all the different things popping up.

Day Lilies

Lilac Bush


I love to be outside putzing  (sp??) around in the flower beds.  Lots of cleaning up and making room for the green to pop through.

When I was down I sat of the edge of the deck, soaked up some rays and enjoyed my bare feet in the partial green grass.  I know this is suppose to continue next week.  And then who knows - we live in WI we get snow in April.  So we will enjoy each sunny warm day the Lord gives us.

1 comment:

  1. Great post - makes me smile too!
    PS - love that lilac shot!


Blessings on Your Day !!!!