Sunday, March 11, 2012

Do you have your bracket done?

This is a big deal is our house.  MARCH MADNESS !!!!!
I don't watch college basketball during the regular season but when this craziness starts
I become obsessed.

I can thank my dad and brothers for this.  I grew up in a sports house.  We would  fill out brackets, watch the games and see watch happens to your bracket.

So now Joel, Phil and I do the same thing and I like watching the games with them.  I have no clue who is the best.  But I pick teams who names I like and picking a little with my heart.  Since we lived in KY  I always take UK quite a ways in the bracket.  I hear they got a #1 seed.  Will have to see what happens.


  1. That's so funny...I can actually picture you getting all hyped up about it. I used to enjoy it but I am so out of the loop. Maybe if I did it like you do, team names, pretty colors, nice-looking coaching staff.... :)

  2. I'm 3 for 4 so far (with the play-in games) but I have Syracuse winning it all & I'm pretty sure they won't. It hardly matters - I always pull for the underdog anyway. Go NC State! Ha!


Blessings on Your Day !!!!