Wednesday, February 29, 2012

just wanted to share a few projects

I guess you can say that I have really become obsessed with crocheting. 
I just can't stop making hats. I am thankful to be on Jo Ann Fabrics mailing list for those great 40 or 50% coupons.
I also found some new yarn.  I love the feel of it, the way it looks on the finished project and the price.
It is Vanna White's yarn.  I thought it was funny that this lady that flips letters would have any interest in yarn.  She even has her own patterns.  They show her with a needle and yarn in her lap.  I don't know if she really does crochet or if it is just a set up.  But it is the best yarn.

The first two hats are for a set of twins due in April. 
I put a blue/brown border on the little guys even though it is hard to see.
The other two pink hats, well I have no idea who they are for.  They were fun to make and I am someday I will find some sweet girl to wear them.


  1. They are all adorable! Vanna White really does knit and crochet. I saw an article about her some years ago and she said she loves it.

  2. I always use Vanna White Yarn as well. It's soo soft! You can always get 40% off coupons for JoAnns on their website as well. :)

  3. I saw the Vanna White yarn when I was in Michaels the other day. I skipped it because I was intimidated by the big skeins. Since I'm just starting out I wanted some smaller skeins to mess up - ha!


Blessings on Your Day !!!!