Thursday, August 27, 2009

Day 238 - Calms My Nerves

Philip has his first football game in just a little bit.
I love this game but I have to tell you
I do get nervous seeing him get hit.
Chomping on the gum and blowing bubbles seems to help.
I will go through pretty much of all this gum too.


  1. that gum looks so good that i may have to go to the store and buy some for myself. i love gum! i know what you mean by being nervous when they play football. pray and chew gum is all we can do! :D

  2. my jaw hurts just looking at all that gum!!! What calmed me down was taking pictures!

  3. I would be nervous too! The gum looks good, but I would be taking pictures like Sara!

  4. All that gum - watch those teeth!!! Yes, I am where that photo is but am leaving, sadly, shortly. We are fortunate that Hurricane Danny decided to fizzle out!!

  5. You are too funny! Glad you've found a way to deal with the stress :-)


Blessings on Your Day !!!!

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