Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014 Top 10 Pictures

 We went to Florida in January for our friend's sons wedding.  If anyone would of told me in 2013 that I'd be doing all this flying with Joel,  well...... I guess I 'd be laughing at them.  I am still not a fan of it but nothing some good drugs won't fix.   

 It brought me such joy to watch Philip coach his own basketball team.  After being the player for so many years and trading spots as the coach I think he saw things in a whole different light.
 Whenever there is a birthday this nephew of mine can't wait for the cake.

  Joel's traveling quite a bit with his job. Because of that we got to see these two nephews (and his godsons) a little bit more.

 It was about the coke can for me.  I tried to find a Coke can with every one's name on it this summer.
Every airport or store I went into I spent time pulling each can out to find our names.    
(See last picture)

 My brother is the comedian in the family.  This was during the world cup, he took the flag and ran around the yard GOOOOOAAAAAALLLLL!!!!!!!!

 My mom got a new computer.  We showed her how to Skype her grand kids.

Philip's cousin from MI surprised him for his 21st birthday hiding in Grandpa and Grandma's van.

Love these two guys! Christmas card 2014

This is our annual timer picture at Christmas.  We always take it after dinner, we always try to stand in the same spot and this year we added our Coke cans to the scene.


  1. what a great year! I hope that 2015 brings you many blessings!

  2. Fun pictures! Happy New Year to you!


Blessings on Your Day !!!!