Tuesday, November 4, 2014

November Currents

  Just got back from the local Lutheran high school where Joel did chapel.   Now I am sitting in a hotel in Benton Harbor Michigan.   Since I have been traveling with Joel this is my least favortie, the hotels.  We stay in nice Holiday Inn Express or Hamptons but I still get creeped out by them.  REALLY how many people have sat in this chair, I never go barefoot, I never sit on the outside of the bed, my wipes are my new best friend. 
So...... as I sit here I thought I would do so of my currents for you.

Current Read.  Do crochet patterns count?

Current Playlist.   I have been enjoying Brad Paisley and Blake Shelton.

Current Food.  I can't seem to get enough apples. 

Current Favorite.  Fires in our fireplace in the evening. 

Current Addiction.   I make seasoned pretzels with ranch, garlic salt, dill weed and olive oil.  Great snack for in the car.

Current Triumph.  Joel and I changed some things with our way of eating the beginning of August.  He has lost 27 lbs and I am stuck at 23lbs.  It can be frustrating but better that gaining that amount. 

Current Annoyance.   Grass in the bathroom.   WHAT??????   Yes with Philip's job in landscaping he comes home with grass all over.  He heads to the bathroom and the floor is covered.  I picked up the rug this summer and there was a small yard under that rug.  That was his way to fix it.  I have asked him to sweep it up by never seems to happen.  I am happy to report that he has sweeped a few times and now we have something new to deal with, leaves. 

Current Blessing.  There are so many blessings to choose from.   One that makes me smile is the way my mom continues to do so well with her healing and recovery.   When I left there a week ago she was using a walker.  We went there Sunday for her birthday and was great to see she moved to a cane.

Current Excitement.  When the three of us get to have a meal together. 

Current Project.  In my spare time I love to crochet.    Hats, mittens, scarves and dish clothes.  



  1. I love this! and how are you losing weight? do share with me. I am stuck, ha. I had to laugh at the hotel creepiness, I do the same...wear shoes, never touch the remote, lol.

  2. Congrats on the weight loss!!!! I think with the steroids I have been on for my shoulder that I have gained what you have lost! :{ and seeing the recipe for the pretzels is making me hungry!!

  3. Good for you with the weight loss! I need to be starting something too.
    I think you need to come a little further north in Michigan!


Blessings on Your Day !!!!