Friday, October 10, 2014

Friday night

  Joel has been living one crazy schedule these days.  It was nice to have him home to eat supper and sleep in his own bed this week.  Friday night was opened and we have really not spent any time with John and Diane.  Was happy their calendar was open too.

                                                        Beef Vegetable Soup and Dilly Bread

Joel made me this tray out of an old pallet.

                                "NEW" dessert plates to me.  I got them at Good Will for.49 cents.

                               Those plates will be used for some Key Lime Pie.

                                                            Just a few munchies during cards.


  1. love when that happens! key fav!

  2. Sounds like a wonderful evening!

  3. Your table looks so warm & inviting! We never have company & we always eat in the living room at our computers. At least we're together :)

  4. So much fun! The meal and company were great, I don't even mind losing....!


Blessings on Your Day !!!!